Since we have changed our model of cooperation with magazines, we receive more orders for iPad applications than ever before. That is why we are going to devote one blog article to explain the whole process of ordering of iPad magazine: what happens at the backstage, what we are doing for the publishers, why and where is Apple engaged and what happens when an application with your magazine is ready in the App Store.
In PressPad, every publisher who decides to cooperate with us, receives an Apple iOS Newsstand application. Every magazine receives one application, so if you have three different magazines, you will receive three different applications. Win-win.
Thanks to the latest changes in the model of settling accounts with clients, these applications are free of charge for the publisher. There are also no payments for keeping the application in the App Store, for its development or sales interests.
1. Ordering an iPad magazine with PressPad
To order an application, the publisher has to:
The post What Happens when You Order a Free iPad App with PressPad appeared first on App Marketing in Digital Publishing.